Cheers to volunteers…and to volunteer centres that support volunteering
Its time to applaud volunteer centres that work year-round to connect volunteers to community needs in more than 200 Canadian communities. Extra loud cheers to volunteer centres that have stepped up to lead special volunteer responses to the covid 19 pandemic .
Volunteer centres build the capacity of organizations to engage volunteers of all ages and life circumstances through leadership, training, information, and public awareness on areas including screening, recognition, youth engagement, employer-supported volunteering, and social inclusion through volunteering. Volunteer centres work with businesses, government departments, and public agencies to build strong and connected communities.
Volunteer centres support:
- Organizations responding to trends in volunteering such as skills-based volunteering, virtual volunteering, and micro-volunteering.
- Newcomers looking to volunteering as part of their integration journey.
- Youth looking to volunteering to explore educational and career paths.
- Parents preparing to return to work by refreshing skills through volunteering.
- People with diverse abilities to connect to community and to prepare for employment through volunteering.
- Older adults staying connected to community through volunteering to reduce social isolation.
- Organizations working with businesses to engage employees in their communities.
- High schools, colleges, and universities engaging students in community service.
- Municipalities responding to floods, forest fires, and public health emergencies.
- Police services by raising awareness about police records checks and screening.
Join Volunteer Canada in applauding this country’s volunteer centres!