Intergenerational Volunteering: Engaging the Present – Strengthening the Future

Did you know that there is tremendous potential in intergenerational volunteering? Intergenerational Volunteering brings older adults and youth together in mutually beneficial ways. It creates meaningful connections between generations so that they can learn from one another while imprinting the values of volunteerism in the younger generations – planting the seeds for the future.

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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Your Volunteer Program

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in 2015 by the 193 member states of the General Assembly to improve social, economic and environmental conditions around the world. They provide shared goals and a common language so that we may work together locally and globally to create a more just and sustainable world for ourselves and generations to come. This article explores how a social purpose organization can align with the SDGs and how to mobilize volunteers toward the SDGs during a volunteer shortage.

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Leaders of Volunteers, I have an advocacy question for you – Who Cares?  (No, really, think about it.)

I reflected, who would care to hear about Volunteer Management and hear from Leaders of Volunteers like you? I also thought, if “MANAGERS OF VOLUNTEERS NEED TO KNOW YOU CARE” was posted on LinkedIn or in various places and spaces on the internet, who would take note? Finally, I thought who would care if there […]

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