#WeAdvocate: Charities on the Hill

On October 17, 2017, members of Canada’s national non-profits and charities descended on the hill for the annual Charities on the Hill day of advocacy. The day allowed sector leaders to meet with Members of Parliament to discuss important sector issues such as legislation affecting registered charities and the limitations for social enterprise. “It was […]

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Collective Impact: Highlights from 2016 IMPACT 2030 Global Summit

One hundredand fifty delegates from around the globe, most representing companies,attended the IMPACT2030, a three-day conference held September 14-16 at the UnitedNations Headquarters in New York City. Volunteer Canada’s Director of Corporate Citizenship, Elizabeth Dove, attended and shared these highlights: The opening plenary included an impressive and diverse roster of high-level speakers that set the […]

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Adopting the CVCI at Queen’s University: Part 2

Last week, in the first part of this blog post, we met Maryanne Wainman, Alumni Officer, Volunteer Relations with the Queen’s University Alumni Relations & Annual Giving department. Maryanne explained Queen’s has a long history with volunteer engagement but only recently formalized its processes using the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVI). After conducting best-practice […]

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