Today is International Volunteer Managers Day (IVMD), a day to recognize the hard working people who make sure volunteer programs run smoothly and volunteers are fulfilled and engaged.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of IVMD, this year’s theme of Change the Tune! encourages people to think differently about volunteer leadership.
Here are 10 songs that remind us of the many roles that volunteer managers play.
1 – Career counsellor
Volunteer managers help volunteers develop skills and competencies as part of their career development paths.
Natasha Bedingfield – Unwritten
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
2 – Outreach officer
Volunteer managers engage newcomers as volunteers to help them connect with and learn about their new communities.
Somebody’s ringin’ the bell
Do me a favour, open the door and let ’em in
3 – Nurturer
Volunteer managers provide safe and supportive environments for their volunteers.
Lean on me, when you’re not strong
And I’ll be your friend
I’ll help you carry on
4 – Cheerleader
Volunteer managers encourage and recognize their volunteers’ efforts.
McFadden & Whitehead – Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now
Ain’t no stoppin us now!
We’re on the move!
5 – Evaluator
Volunteer managers provide volunteers with regular opportunities to give and receive feedback.
Jerry Lee Lewis – Let’s Talk About Us
We talked about the good times
That made us laugh and sigh
We talked about the bad times
That brought tears to our eyes
6 – Trainer
Volunteer managers welcome new volunteers to the organization and offer orientation and training to help them succeed.
Went the distance, now I’m not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive
7 – Event planner
Volunteer managers coordinate volunteer opportunities and organize recognition activities.
We’re gonna have a good time tonight
Let’s celebrate, it’s all right
8 – Mediator
Volunteer managers ensure smooth relationships between volunteers, employees and the individuals their organization serves.
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
9 – Writer
Volunteer managers write volunteer position descriptions, policies, procedures, evaluations and recognition messages.
The Beatles – Paperback Writer
It’s a thousand pages, give or take a few
I’ll be writing more in a week or two
10 – Liaison
Volunteer managers work with other staff members to match volunteers with areas their skills are needed.
Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder – Ebony and Ivory
Ebony and ivory, live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my piano keyboard
What songs remind you of volunteer leadership or thinking differently? Tell us on Twitter using #ChangeTheTune!