Employer-Supported Volunteering (ESV) is any activity undertaken by an employer to encourage and support the volunteering of their employees in the community, which often takes the form of a one-day group volunteering event. There are many options and strategies employers can use to engage their employees. Employers may enact company-wide days of service, flex time, rewards programs or […]
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Volunteer Canada held the semi-annual Corporate Council on Volunteering (CCOV) Gathering in Toronto, June 17 and 18 with a focus on “The Future of Corporate Community Engagement”. This is the second of two blogs on the event.
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Volunteer Canada held the semi-annual Corporate Council on Volunteering (CCOV) Gathering in Toronto, June 17 and 18 with a focus on “The Future of Corporate Community Engagement”. The Council invited non-profits to join them on the first day in a forum so that they could discuss best ways to work together to engage employees in community service, […]
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