Companies, non-profits dialogue in Calgary about working together

Calgary Corporate-Community Forum – Part 1 Changing the conversation: The first of a 3-part blog, based on a Calgary meeting of non-profits and companies to discuss corporate volunteering. Volunteer Canada held the semi-annual Corporate Council on Volunteering (CCOV) Gathering in Calgary, May 28 and 29.  The Council invited non-profits to join them on the first […]

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In Honour of National Coaches Week 2018: The Importance of Volunteer Training

National Coaches Week focuses on celebrating the efforts of the 5.3 million volunteers from Canada’s sports and recreation sector including coaches, referees, administrators and helpers. We encourage you to say #ThanksCoach and share why you’re thankful for your coach during National Coaches Week from September 22nd to 30th. Volunteer Training is essential not only for coaches but all volunteers. […]

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