Are single day, employer supported volunteering opportunities beneficial to community partners?

Employer-Supported Volunteering (ESV) is any activity undertaken by an employer to encourage and support the volunteering of their employees in the community. There are a multitude of options and strategies for employers to engage their employees.  Employers may enact company-wide days of service, flex time, rewards programs or even microvolunteering.  It is in the employer’s best interest to offer […]

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The Values and the Value of Volunteering…. we have a lot to celebrate

Volunteering reflects our values – what we care about, our vision for our community, our notion of justice, and our sense of responsibility for the planet and all those with whom we share it.  Volunteering also generates value for organizations, neighbourhoods, businesses, society, and for those volunteering.  It is the interplay between what we value and […]

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Engaging Groups of Volunteers

Group volunteering involves engaging in a volunteer activity as a group, whether with friends, family, colleagues or acquaintances. Group volunteering can involve a specific project with a set timeframe, or it may involve an ongoing commitment shared by a group of volunteers. Group volunteering can provide support and services in a community in a short […]

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