FAQ: Canadian Volunteer Screening and Education Centre

Volunteer Canada & Deloitte Canada Volunteer Canada has been a leader in volunteer screening since 1995, working with key stakeholders to develop tools and resources and provide training across the country.  Volunteer Canada and Deloitte Canada are now working together to explore the legal, practical, and philosophical implications for creating a centralized, integrated, online screening […]

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Valuing Volunteering – An Economist’s Perspective

The Conference Board of Canada is in the business of forecasting the economy. We produce detailed forecasts of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, income, consumption and more of Canada and its regions. These forecasts are used by businesses and governments for planning or comparison to their own forecasts. So as an economist, my work tends […]

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Volunteering and Healthy Aging

Volunteering is a rewarding activity for older adults. It enhances wellbeing and contributes to an active lifestyle. Research shows that there are significant health benefits to be gained from volunteering. These benefits include enhanced physical, psychological and cognitive health. Physical Health Benefits Research has consistently found that physical health benefits are associated with volunteering. These findings indicate that volunteers report better physical health when compared […]

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