Corporate Group Volunteering Checklist

Group activities are one of the most popular ways that employees volunteer with the support of their workplace.  While some workplaces have a CSR employee to organize these activities, usually these activities are managed by an employee with less experience. To support these employees, Volunteer Canada has created a Group Volunteering Checklist which can be […]

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Companies, non-profits dialogue in Calgary about working together

Calgary Corporate-Community Forum – Part 1 Changing the conversation: The first of a 3-part blog, based on a Calgary meeting of non-profits and companies to discuss corporate volunteering. Volunteer Canada held the semi-annual Corporate Council on Volunteering (CCOV) Gathering in Calgary, May 28 and 29.  The Council invited non-profits to join them on the first […]

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Are single day, employer supported volunteering opportunities beneficial to community partners?

Employer-Supported Volunteering (ESV) is any activity undertaken by an employer to encourage and support the volunteering of their employees in the community. There are a multitude of options and strategies for employers to engage their employees.  Employers may enact company-wide days of service, flex time, rewards programs or even microvolunteering.  It is in the employer’s best interest to offer […]

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