Volunteer Canada launches new suite of programs and services for business.
Corporate community engagement is evolving and gaining momentum. What was once limited to engaging employees through volunteering and donations, has expanded to include catalyzing vendors, retirees and customers to create positive change in their communities in a myriad of creative ways.
- Consumers are asking for it. 78% of Canadians agree a company can take specific actions that both increase profits and improve the economic and social conditions in the community where it operates. (2017 Edelman Trust Barometer)
- Employees are demanding it. 68% of Canadians say, given the choice between two jobs, they would choose the one at the company with the stronger volunteering culture. (2017 Volunteer Canada/ Ipsos Public Affairs).
To meet the evolving nature of business as a catalyst for the community engagement of their employees and stakeholders, Volunteer Canada has created a new suite of programs and services for business and employers. In collaboration with the Corporate Council on Volunteering, Volunteer Canada launched the new offerings this past Thursday at Deloitte Canada’s headquarters in Toronto. Corporate Council on Volunteering Co-Chairs Sarah Chapman, Director of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability from Deloitte, and Jacquelyn Hern, Senior Manager, Volunteering and Fundraising from CIBC, warmly welcomed the gathering of corporate investment professionals to the event.
Volunteer Canada’s Director of Corporate Citizenship, Elizabeth Dove, briefly outlined new programs, such as Volunteer Canada’s Business Membership for companies wanting to stay abreast of the latest practices and innovations, the ChangeMakers@Work webinar series, and the Corporate Citizenship stream of the new Volunteer Vibe blog. The Corporate Council on Volunteering will have an even more important leadership role to play in this involving landscape of corporate citizenship and the benefits to this group have also increased. Volunteer Canada will continue to support companies across the country with the development of program frameworks through to event execution with their Consulting and Program Development Services.
Our strength in corporate community engagement is in the sharing and support we provide each other as embodied in the Corporate Council on Volunteering.
Elizabeth Dove, Director, Corporate Citizenship, Volunteer Canada
For more information about how Volunteer Canada can advance your organization’s corporate citizenship goals, contact Elizabeth Dove at [email protected].